Tuesday 15 December 2009




Drawing with harmonograph & photomorph


Monday 14 December 2009

Time geometry - Topology


The next the was to demonstrate the idea of liberty and freedom in the context of politic and society. As the framework I picked the novel "Animal Farm" By George Orwell. The farm which is the context of the story as the variable of external forces vibrates and the cymatic pattern simulate the environment which circulate the relationship between animals. The idea was to present the dominant regime force as vibration which fluctuate the society by the different frequency.


Project 1 : use cymatic as a method to demonstrate the idea of liberty and freedom.

For me we can approach to the idea of freedom and liberty from two very different point of view. Freedom oh human as himself in the world and why should he suffer in this world for a life time. Kafka's novel trial was the framework of my experience.

I had to design a labyrinth to show the world and man is suspending in this world. Here is another incredible short story of Kafka as I've used it's sound as the impute of y work. The sound is from the movie "trial" by Orson Wells.

A man from the country seeks the law and wishes to gain entry to the law through a doorway. The doorkeeper tells the man that he cannot go through at the present time. The man asks if he can ever go through, and the doorkeeper says that is possible. The man waits by the door for years, bribing the doorkeeper with everything he has. The doorkeeper accepts the bribes, but tells the man that he accepts them "so you won't think you've neglected something." The man waits at the door until he is about to die. Right before his death, he asks the doorkeeper why even though everyone seeks the law, no one else has come in all the years. The doorkeeper answers "No one else could gain admittance here, because this entrance was meant solely for you. I am now going to shut it."

Heidegger on Question Concerning Technology

The essence of technology never could be revealed to human as essence of everything else and technology is bringing forth and revealing and unconcealed where Alethea, truth happens...the revealing that rules technology is challenging. Modern technology essence is enframing; gathering together of the setting-upon that sets upon man. techne which is defined "the name not only for the activities and skills of the craftsman but also for the arts of the mind and the fine arts", i the means for sourcing true forms and ideas that exist before the figure we perceive.Plus he mentioned how technology has changed man's relationship not only in earth, but also to being itself. and there is nothing too technological about the true essence of technology.
And to human, his enframing is putting in position of man to reveal the actual as original; so the essence of modern technology is putting in position of man to reveal the actual as original and still present, if concealed... the truth exists outside of human work. man is inconsiderate as we do not know the origins; to find them we must listen but not simply obey. The great danger for martin is technology becomes determined of it's truth, rather than humen becoming knowing of concealed truth. The "saving power" of modern technology is thinking and seeing unfolding it's essence rather than become transfixed in the will to master in technology as an instrument. the truth is constellation, the stellar course of the mystery distant from human perception. And thus the essential unfolding of modern technology may not lead us to the ultimate truth... in fact modern technology likes to be dominant to the things, therefore not only it will not reveal the truth, but also some how cover it under it's flourish demonstration.

But I consider technology as what it means not a thing; th object has no essence and intrinsic truth or status it is merely a reconciliation of technique, machines are primitive assimilated products and for faciliatating and nothing more. They share a form to deceit as we forger how and our texture.

Introducing Cymatic

Cymatics (from Greek: κῦμα "wave"), also known as modal phenomena, is the study of visible sound and vibration, typically on the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane. Directly visualizing vibrations involves using sound to excite media often in the form of particles, pastes, and liquids. The word Cymatics derives from the Greek 'kuma' meaning 'billow' or 'wave,' to describe the periodic effects that sound and vibration has on matter.

Influences in art
Hans Jenny's book influenced Alvin Lucier and, along with Chladni, helped lead to Lucier's composition Queen of the South. Jenny's work was also followed up by Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) founder Gyorgy Kepes at MIT. [7] His work in this area included an acoustically vibrated piece of sheet metal in which small holes had been drilled in a grid. Small flames of gas burned through these holes and thermodynamic patterns were made visible by this setup.

Based on work done in this field, photographer Alexander Lauterwasser captures imagery of water surfaces set into motion by sound sources ranging from pure sine waves, to music by Ludwig van Beethoven, Karlheinz Stockhausen, electroacoustic group Kymatik(who often record in surround sound ambisonics), and overtone singing.
